Our wide range of services are backed by industry knowledge and my passion to help clients find solutions perfectly tailored to their needs.

Market Tours
I will join you for up to three hours in the market of your choice (within a 25 mile radius of my Burlingame location). While I particularly love Rainbow Grocery in SF, I will go with you to wherever you shop! Learn to read labels and fill your basket with healthful whole plant foods and minimally processed foods that your entire family can enjoy.

This is for both individuals and couples/families. I will come to your home for an 8 hour experience that starts with a kitchen makeover. Clear out the processed and animal products to make room for more health promoting food. Then we go on a market tour (your choice of store or market). We will be reading labels and filling your cart with mostly wholeplant foods and minimally processed foods. Returning to your home, we will prepare food for at least 2 full meals with multiple servings. You will discover batch cooking, make a power salad with a delicious oil-free dressing, and prepare a fabulous nutrient dense dinner. If you don’t already have certain kitchen tools, like a high speed blender or pressure cooker, I will bring these with me to help us create delicious and nutritious food for you and your family.

Lunch and Learn
I am available to come to your work and give talks and workshops on plant based nutrition and veganism. These can be tailored to your specific needs.

Hourly Consultation
If you don’t feel that you need ongoing weekly support for a few months, you may just want to schedule consultations by the hour, to get help with specific health or wellness issues.

Total Plant Based Transformation
I am currently offering 3 and 6 month transformational coaching programs. With ongoing weekly phone support, not only will you learn what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat, but you will establish new habits around food as well as other health promoting lifestyle choices: hydration, sleep, movement and stress management. These programs are tailored to fit your specific needs, including body image and weight loss, sugar and fat cravings, chronic disease prevention, management and even reversal in many cases.
Schedule your complimentary 60 minute Discovery Session with me, and experience this very effective coaching method for yourself. Simple lifestyle changes will alter your destiny in ways you cannot even imagine; And I want that for you!

“Nosh and Know”
A private meal with plant based education in your home! An award-winning vegan and raw food chef and I will come to your home and prepare a three course completely whole plant food meal while you learn about plant based nutrition. This can be for small or larger groups.

Introducing The Pregnancy Advantage™
An online program to help you get physically and emotionally prepared for pregnancy. It’s never too early to achieve an optimal weight, reduce toxin exposure and optimize nutritional status. Taking these steps along with managing stress and increasing physical activity, has been shown to improve fertility, reduce the chance of pregnancy complications and create healthier, smarter offspring.
Understanding epigenetics and making it work for your family through simple, healthy lifestyle changes, will have positive effects on generations to come and will improve the environment that these future generations will inherit.
Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!
Get my FREE eBook, Why Eat Plants?
Don't Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!
Please sign up to my mailing list to receive periodic updates from A New View of Food and receive my gift to you my ebook, "Why Eat Plants?" In the first chapter, I give three perfectly good reasons to eat mainly plants as opposed to animal products. Chapter two is a practical step by step guide to making the transition from an animal based diet to a plant based diet, including educational and culinary resources. In Chapter three, I expose some of the misleading nutritional research that has fueled and delighted the popular press and confused consumers in recent years. This ebook is a great introduction to A New View of Food.