Learn More and Get The Facts

Once I was ready to learn more about plant based diets, I watched Forks Over Knives and What the HealthCowspiracy helped me understand more of the environmental impact of our current unsustainable food system.


You can easily find these films on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, YouTube, or Google Play.
Below are some other very wonderful, inspiring videos to watch, shows to listen to, and projects and podcasts I’m involved with. Transforming the way you view food may not happen all at once, but I’d be very surprised if you could watch these videos and not be moved to consider the possibility of your own improved health and longevity, on a whole plant food diet.
– Dr. Debra Shapiro

Age Like A Bad Ass Mother

Dr. Deborah Shapiro shares her insights on the physiological changes that occur during menopause, common symptoms, and effective management strategies, including the role of diet and lifestyle. We talk about sexual health and intimacy during menopause, highlighting communication and self-exploration. We delve into vaginal health products, enhancing sexual pleasure, navigating menopausal hormone therapy, maintaining vaginal hygiene (all you need is water, people), and how to avoid a bladder infection. Grab a glass of wine or a mug of tea for this one.

Featured Guest Post: Vegan Breakfast Inspirations

Dive into the world of delightful vegan mornings with Dr. Shapiro’s latest blog post on Main Street Vegan. Discover innovative strategies for crafting the perfect vegan breakfast that’s both nourishing and delicious. Whether you’re in search of new ideas or simply craving some plant-based inspiration, this is your go-to guide for starting the day right!

Harnessing Plant-Based Diets for a Smoother Menopausal Transition

In her illuminating presentation at the recent plant-based conference in Texas, Dr. Debra Shapiro delved into the transformative power of plant-based diets during the menopausal transition. With her profound knowledge in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Shapiro elucidated how adopting a plant-based diet could significantly change the effects of menopause, rendering this life phase less daunting for women.

Dr. Shapiro underscored the potential of plant-based nutrition in alleviating common menopausal symptoms, promoting hormonal balance, and enhancing overall well-being during this natural life transition. Through a comprehensive review of scientific evidence, she provided a compelling argument for the integration of plant-based diets in managing menopausal symptoms, thus encouraging a broader discussion on the subject among health professionals and the general populace.

A New View of Food for a Healthier You with Dr. Debra Shapiro

Women’s health issues can often be frustrating, confusing, and can leave many feeling helpless. Women may find themselves struggling with issues that their doctors know very little about.

However, there are many ways in which women can take control of their health, including through lifestyle choices such as plant-based eating.

In this episode of the Health Science Podcast, Dr. Frank Sabatino speaks with Dr. Debra Shapiro, a women’s health specialist, about the importance of lifestyle medicine and the ways in which women can take control of their health.

Vegan Posse: Women Really Hold the Key to Everyone’s Health

Listen to the latest Vegan Posse podcast episode in which Dr. Shapiro tackles women’s health issues and the vegan lifestyle.

“Debra now does her best to be a shining example of health in a world that doesn’t make it easy to live a healthy life! “The more people see us as being in excellent health, the more it will catch on. Instead of it seeming so extreme, people will be saying, ‘I can do that.””

Get Healthy Live 2023

Watch Dr. Shapiro’s present on the value of a plant-based diet at any age and how a plant-based diet can extend and enrich your life and wellbeing throughout your life.

How a Plant Based Gynecologist Can Change Your Life

So happy to join Chef AJ today. Learn about maintaining a healthy diet throughout pregnancy.

PCRM Exam Room Pod Cast

So honored to be part of the Exam Room Podcast from the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. Chuck Carroll, The Weight Loss Champion, is truly an incredible host! We talk about all things diet and pregnancy! Learn about how diet may affect fertility and tips for maintaining a healthy diet throughout pregnancy.

Debra Shapiro on the Plant Yourself podcast

I was invited to speak with the wonderful Howard Jacobson, PhD on his podcast, Plant Yourself.

Live n Learn - Plant Based Nutrition: Topics in Women's Health

Interview with fellow Plant Based Coach, Jeanne Schumacher

Live n Learn - Plant Based: Menopause - Part 1

July 11th Facebook live event with Jeanne Schumacher. We talked about the Menopause, compared notes, and had some good laughs.

Live n Learn - Plant Based: Menopause - Part 2

July 11th Facebook live event with Jeanne Schumacher. We talked about the Menopause, compared notes, and had some good laughs.

Jeff Novick on Calorie Density

Jeff Novick on Calorie Density, a most important video.

Doug Lisle: How to Lose Weight without Losing your Mind

6 Nifty Ways to Get Dinner Done in 20 Minutes

Enjoy her latest guest blog post at Main Street Vegan Academy and discover six nifty ways to get dinner done in 20 minutes using Dr. Shapiro’s tips and advice.

10 Steps to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier With Dr. Debra Shapiro

Dr. Debra Shapiro has practiced medicine for over 3 decades and is Board Certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Lifestyle Medicine. She has been studying Plant-Based Nutrition for 10 years, with a Certificate from e.Cornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is a Certified Health Coach and a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator. Her passion is using plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease.

In addition to coaching one on one, she co-created a novel group coaching program, The Pregnancy Advantage™ to help people prepare physically and emotionally for pregnancy, with the goal of increasing fertility, decreasing pregnancy complications, and improving the health of future generations. She is a contributor to the 2022 ACLM textbook, Improving Women’s Health Across the Lifespan, and has appeared on numerous podcasts and in print magazines.

The Pregnancy Advantage Fertility Summit

In 2021, Jeanne Schumacher, EdD and I conducted a series of interviews with world renowned physicians, dietitians, researchers, plant based leaders, as well as women themselves who overcame infertility using plant based nutrition, reversing chronic conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis to have the pregnancies they desired.
You can still have lifetime access to the entire 2021 Summit, along with bonus interviews and delicious WFPB recipes, by clicking on the button below.

Dr. Debra Shaprio on Chef AJ LIVE!

Plant Based OB-GYN | Interview with Dr. Debra Shapiro

Dr. Debra Shapiro on TEDxDupreePark

Dr. Debra Shaprio was honored to be interviewed with Jeanne Schumacher on TEDxDupreePark!

MSV Podcast & Show Notes: January 22, Women’s Health with 2 Vegan OB/GYNs

Hear Dr. Debra Shapiro’s appearance on the Main Street Vegan podcast.

Meat to Veg: Beginning the Great Food Transformation

Take a bite out of Climate Change – 4/21/20 Zoom conference

What Came Before, featuring Steve-O. The Truth About Meat and Modern Farms

When I was first getting interested in Veganism, I was inspired by this Farm Sanctuary Video. You’ll have to sign in to YouTube as it is an age-restricted video.

Brenda Davis, RD

Brenda Davis, RD is just fabulous.  Her book Becoming Vegan is outstanding as a reference.

How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD

This is a very comprehensive review of the science behind our top fifteen causes of death, followed by a section describing exactly what to eat.   He has a cookbook by the same name. His handy Daily Dozen food guide, is also available as an App. I refer to this guide often.

His website, NutritionFacts.org is a tremendously valuable resource. Brenda Davis, RD has published Becoming Vegan and Becoming Raw, among other books. These are terrific references. There is a chapter on pregnancy and lactation in Becoming Vegan that I found incredibly helpful for my pregnant patients. Along with pediatrician Reshma Shaw, MD, MPH, Brenda Davis published Nourish: The Definitive Plant-Based Nutrition Guide for Families is a fabulous resource for creating healthy vegan families.

Neal Barnard, MD

Neal Barnard, MD from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine speaking about insulin resistance and the real culprit in type II Diabetes.

Doug Lisle on the Pleasure Trap (also a book)

Ready to Get Started?

Dr. Debra Shapiro is ready to take your Health Coaching to the next level. Schedule a FREE one-on-one consultation today!

Get my FREE eBook, Why Eat Plants?

Don't Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

Please sign up to my mailing list to receive periodic updates from A New View of Food and receive my gift to you my ebook, "Why Eat Plants?" In the first chapter, I give three perfectly good reasons to eat mainly plants as opposed to animal products. Chapter two is a practical step by step guide to making the transition from an animal based diet to a plant based diet, including educational and culinary resources. In Chapter three, I expose some of the misleading nutritional research that has fueled and delighted the popular press and confused consumers in recent years. This ebook is a great introduction to A New View of Food.